Monday, February 19, 2024

Review--Banbury Bog by Phoebe Atwood Taylor

Phoebe Atwood Taylor was an American mystery author in the 1930s through the early 1950s, who wrote several different mystery series under various pen names.  In this series, Asey (nickname of Asa) is an old down-to-earth inhabitant of Cape Cod (the small town of Weesit, Massachusetts) with a bright mind, a good sense of humor and a big dash of common sense. 

Phineas Banbury, the owner of a chain of bakeries, visits Weesit, the original home of his great uncle Phineas Knowles, for whom he is named.  He also received a bequest from his grand uncle, which he used to start his first bakery, and the beginning of his fortune.  Phineas decides to stay in Weesit, and fulfill his grand uncle's desire to help his hometown.  

He does a lot of good in the town, but when he and his wife make a huge batch of their famous tarts for a fundraiser, someone puts arsenic in them, sickening a number of townspeople.  

Several people feel that someone is trying to frame Phineas for causing the sickness, then a body is found, and Asey is called on to help clear Phineas's name, and find the person setting him up.

I enjoyed this book, with the characters being interesting and well developed.  It takes place in the 1930s, when it was written, and allows you to experience what it was like during that time-frame.

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