Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Murder at the Mortuary by Lee Strauss Review

This is number five in the Ginger Gold series.  As are most of the others I've read in this series, it is set in 1920s England. When Ginger's friend, Haley Higgins, who is studying to be a doctor, finds a body in the mortuary without the papers it should have, and the body was a murder victim When Ginger discovers she knew the victim, she gets involved in solving the mystery, at the behest of the victim's father who hires her as a private detective.

Scotland Yard Inspector Basil Reed is once more involved in the investigation, and once more suggests that Ginger leave the investigating to him.  As Ginger is miffed at the Inspector, she chooses (as usual) to do as she wants, although she does keep the Inspector informed after the fact. 

Haley takes a more prominent role in this story, which I enjoyed. She was concerned that something sketchy was happening at the Mortuary, which was part of  college she was attending to become a doctor.

There were several possible suspects to keep you guessing. There was also a lot of background tension as Inspector Reed had reunited with his estranged wife, leaving Ginger and her feelings for him somewhat confused and hurt.

While I enjoyed this mystery, I didn't like it as much as the others I've read.  It may be because the Mafia was involved, or possibly that Ginger became a professional detective, which seemed out of character for a woman of her high society position.

I'll be reading more of this series, but I'm going to take a break of a month or so before starting up again.

This is number 12 of my Craving for Cozies Challenge.

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