Friday, December 26, 2014

Witch Miss Seeton by Heron Carvic review

Published in 1971, this is the third in the Miss Seeton series.  The first five books (the best ones, in my opinion) were written by Heron Carvic.  After his death, the following three books were written by Hampton Charles (Roy Peter Martin), and the last fourteen books were written by Hamilton Crane (Sarah J. Mason).  The later ones that I've read are quite enjoyable, but this earlier book is so much better!

Miss Seeton is a retired art teacher, who moves to a small village after her retirement to live in the house her aunt had left her.  She seems a little naive, and is unaware of many nuances swirling around her.  However, her sub-conscious self is picking up all kinds of things, as Miss Seeton is a psychic, although she isn't aware of it herself.  Her psychic abilities are displayed in her drawings, which she always feels aren't quite right, and not very good.

This has been discovered by the police, and her abilities are put to good use.  She thinks they are paying her to do identikit sketches, but in reality, they use her sketches that show things as they are, and not as they are presented, to solve crimes.  I like this idea.

In this story, they use Miss Seeton to investigate some occult happenings that are occurring near her village. This causes some people to think she is a witch, and others to defend her.  As is usual, Miss Seeton manages to get herself in several dangerous positions, and then unconsciously manages to get out of danger, mostly without realizing she's ever been in danger.

My particular favorite part of this book was when Miss Seeton is asked to substitute in the local school.  She assumes it is an art class, but it ends up being a mathematics class, has to be read for yourself, but it amused me.

This is part of my 2014 Vintage Mystery BINGO--Silver--Academic Mystery.

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