Saturday, March 2, 2019

The Winter Mystery by Faith Martin Review

For some unknown reason, this is the first book in this series that I've read, but it is the second book in the series, and I have the first one, too.  I should have read the other one first, not that this wasn't a good book on its own, it just bothers me when I read out of order.  Oh, well.

Jenny Starling, the lead character, is a cook.  She takes a temporary job as a cook over the Christmas holidays for an isolated farm family.  She discovers she doesn't have cell phone coverage there, but decides it is only for two weeks.

There is a lot of tension in the family, which Jenny becomes aware of.  Then, just before Christmas, they are snowed in, and Jenny discovers the body of a member of the family.  She walks out to the nearest phone, and calls the police.  When they arrive, they begin their investigation, although the main investigator feels a little out of his depth.  When Jenny gives her name, the investigator recognizes it as a person who has helped the police solve other mysteries, and asks for her help.

It turns out there are a very limited number of suspects, because of the snow and lack of footprints.  It reminds me of the classic locked room mysteries I've always loved.

While I enjoyed the book, it wasn't perfect.  I never really understood why everyone stayed on the farm when they were so unhappy, for one thing. In spite of this, I enjoyed this book, and intend to read more of the series (especially the first one). 

This counts towards my Craving for Cozies Challenge, and the Alphabet Soup Challenge.

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