Monday, December 2, 2013

Mt. TBR Reading Challenge 2014

 I'm signing up for this challenge again, as I hope to get through more of my "To be read" pile of books.  Although I'm afraid I added to the pile recently when I ran across some of my favorite authors on sale.  Luckily, books don't spoil!

There are eight challenge levels, and I'm going to sign up for the Pike's Peak challenge (read 12 books from your TBR list). I'm going to upgrade my challenge level to Mount Blanc  (read 24 books from my TBR list), as I've already read 4 books from my TBR list, and it is still early January!

 I may be moving up another level or two, but don't want to over commit, as I'm signing up for several Challenges in 2014 (again).

Here's a link to the  Mount TBR Challenge 2014


  1. And welcome back to the mountain climbing crew too! Hope you'll be able to make several mountain peaks.

  2. Thanks for the welcome--looking forward to reading some of my many books. Probably would help if I stopped buying them for a while, but I just can't seem to resist a bargain!
