Friday, December 13, 2013

All 2013 Reading Challenges Completed!!

As of today, I've finished the last of the reading challenges I had signed up for in 2013!  Although I read all the time, I'm not really good at writing up the reviews on my blog on a regular basis, although I am trying to improve.

It probably didn't help that my husband and I spent a lot of last summer camping with no internet available.  I had a lot of time to read, and no internet to post reviews.  I started keeping notes so I'd remember what I'd read, and what I thought of the books, but I have a tendency to lose notes to myself.

So while I did finally complete the challenges, I probably read at least another 25 books that I either don't remember if I read it this last summer or earlier, or I don't remember a lot of the details of the book, and I don't like to write a review that just says "This book is totally forgettable".  And I reread several old favorites that are now on my Kindle!  However, I did manage to complete the challenges I'd signed up for.  And, because I actually enjoyed all of the challenges, I've signed up for more in 2014!

I've completed the 2013 A to Z Reading Challenge, both for Titles and for Authors.  Here is the link to the complete list of books read for this challenge. 

I've also completed the Vintage Mystery 2013 Reading Challenge, with 17 books completed.  Here is the link  to the post with the books read and what categories they were in.

This link will take you to the 2013 Mt. TBR Reading Challenge wrap-up page.  I listed 24 books and reviews, but I'm pretty sure I read more than 24 of the books in my "to be read" pile.  But when I started to catch up on my reviews, I either couldn't determine exactly when I had finished a lot of them, or else couldn't remember the details of the book, so didn't include them in my list.  Even so, unfortunately, the pile of books to be read seems to grow faster than I read. 

I also completed the What's in a Name Challenge for 2013, here's the link to my wrap-up post with the categories and books that I read to fulfill them.

I should also mention that all of the books in my wrap-up posts have a link to the review for that book.


  1. Hello Marj. :) I'm Carolyn. I've added my flavour to the world of mystery and two other challenges: "Ethereal" and "Gentle Spectrums". I feel the same about December being a rush, so my year runs February to February. I hope you'll consider joining the groups in my triad. Merry Christmas to you!

  2. Hi Carolyn! Thanks for commenting. A couple of your challenges sound really interesting. I'll have to think hard about signing up, but I've already signed up for several other challenges--and I originally only meant to sign up for one or two for the year. After the holidays I'll see what I have on my TBR list before I decide. Merry Christmas to you, too!
